Sisters of St. Joseph of Saint-Marc
St. Joseph Province, Indore
St. Joseph Leprosy center, Sanawad
St. Joseph Leprosy Centre (SJLC) is an important component of the St. Joseph Province which is a unit of the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Marc, established in 1975 at Sanawad. SJLC (St. Joseph’s Leprosy Centre) started implementing leprosy activities since 1993 with the support of LEPRA India. It provides awareness and holistic relief to leprosy affected through survey, education and MDT treatment covering 3 blocks of Khargone District.
In 2005, the project started a well equipped surgical unit for the Reconstructive Surgery Services with LEPRA’s support. SJLC has a Physiotherapy unit, 24 bedded In Patient Ward and a Shoe Unit. SJLC focuses on surgical correction of disability, referral services for leprosy and networking with Government Organizations and NGOs. The centre concentrates on 8 districts of Indore Division for surgical correction. Patients of other districts of MP also benefit from the facilities available here. Screening camps are conducted in different districts in collaboration with NLEP staff. Self care practice & counseling is provided to the patients. Reconstructive surgeries are conducted alternative month by experienced surgeon. 1560 re-constructive Surgeries are conducted till date. Surgical patients benefit from the Physiotherapy Unit for a period of one month at the Center.
We have an Information Education and Communication van (IEC van) with PA system, LCD projector to exhibit films on different disease like Leprosy, TB, and HIV/AIDS. We conduct the IEC program in different districts with the support of NLEP staff. The centre extends its service for the eye care, T.B and HIV patients. In collaboration with the district blindness control program, centre conducts Cataract Surgeries every month. 2381 patients have already benefited through cataract surgery. SJLC is recognized as DOT providing centre. 381 TB patients have benefited so far. HIV patients are supported through counseling. The centre takes care of the education of HIV affected and infected children as well.
The aim of the project is ‘Improved health and social status of the persons affected by leprosy through quality health care service’. Many Sisters have rendered their selfless service to this center. Sr. Grace and Sr. Nita is rendering their commendable and committed service to the Leprosy center and to the Leprosy affected patients almost 25 years. It is a true sign of their total commitment to the person of Jesus and to His mission.